Grain & Malt Bags (generally a mixed composition of plastics #4 and #5) are one of the materials we work to divert that are otherwise not accepted by local curbside programs, at transfer stations or at the Material Recovery Facilities (MRFs) that waste haulers transport to.

Grain & malt bags can contaminate other recyclables and even shut down entire recycling lines when they get tangled up in star screens and other machinery. Overall, they’re considered to be a very low value plastic that not many recyclers are interested in… especially if they cannot get it source separated, in large volumes, and uncontaminated by other materials.

Additionally, if it exposed to the sun this type of material will start to photodegrade within 4-6 months. Once it does, the material becomes microplastics which contaminate our soil and water at first contact, making their way into the food chain.