BrewSCRAPS is the first program in San Diego to provide a recycling solution for malt/grain bags, shrink-wrap and GREEN PET strapping. These materials are harmful for the environment and are not accepted for recycling through local traditional curbside programs.

We also ensure that cardboard and aluminum cans are properly sorted and recycled. Though these materials are curbside recyclable, there are risks of them ending up in landfills due to improper recycling practices and contamination.

Brewcycling Collaborative is currently a 100% volunteer ran organization. As part of this model, Participating Breweries are responsible for sorting and transporting the materials to our main hub: JuneShine Scripps Ranch.

JuneShine employees then bale the materials and hold them onsite until they have enough volume for our private recycling hauler to come pick them up from the metropolitan Los Angeles area.

Participating Breweries include but not limited to: Pizza Port, Alesmith, Mission, Helia, Harland and Barrel & Stave.

Learn more about the materials we divert and why it’s important to recycle them with us!